SAP Upgrades

At Sage Group, we believe SAP customers must leverage their technology infrastructure and in-house SAP skills for the upgrade project.

Our Upgrade Services leverage the experience of our SAP professionals, enhanced SageSureâ„¢ methodology and unique tools by:

  • Drafting an upgrade plan that incorporates your business, organizational and operational requirements and supports your overall IT strategy.
  • Helping you determine the most appropriate upgrade and support products based on your business needs and the delta between your current system and the new releases.
  • Allowing you to quickly assess technical implications and identify potential roadblocks.
  • Streamlining the technical and functional changes needed in SAP systems due to version upgrades, backed by a well-honed testing strategy

We specialize in both categories of SAP application upgrades.

  • Technical Upgrade: Sage Group has developed a structured approach to upgrade the SAP technical environment.
  • Functional Upgrade: Sage Group’s SAP Functional Upgrade Service offers an established approach for a quick and purposeful upgrade addressing the functional support needs.

Our consultants ensure an optimum upgraded SAP solution specifically designed for your business needs that exploits new features available in the upgraded version instead of just offering “old wine in new bottle”.

One of the biggest challenges in any SAP upgrade project is to determine the current state of ABAP objects accurately and make necessary changes quickly and accurately. Sage Group, with its depth of experience in the SAP arena, has recognized this as a problem and incorporated ready answers to this as well as other technical issues concerning upgrades in its proprietary methodology –SageSure™ .